Monday, November 22, 2021

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I slowly opened Lori’s gift and not feeling good at all. My head started getting dizzy. I opened her gift. It was the Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt style watch I wanted so much, and not a cheap one either. My sister had gone all out for me. I loved it but was feeling very woozy. I looked at her. “What?” She asked with a frown. “isn’t that the right one? That’s the one you wanted wasn’t it?” I then proceeded to throw up all over her gift. Some spray hit the t shirt Lori was wearing and more spray flew onto Tracy’s foot. “Oh my God RJ, are you okay,” yelled Lori. “Not really,” I said having another eruption over Tracy’s feet. She quickly moved back.

Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt(Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt)

That silver and gold decked trees, six hundred years before, was already a celebrated winter festival that He warned His chosen people never to follow such practices. And no christ was ever known there. It is not at Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt   thing, neither an event to be ever celebrated in His body. But Only His Ab–Father and Alahayam is to Be and forever celebrate in Him. Colossians chapter 3: verse 17. ( Note; written Of His True Name and no other name). That is why any church celebrating the birth of a so called christ is outside The Word Of Ha Alahayam. It Is Ha Alahayam That Is to be Alone celebrated and glorified By and through Ha Ban, Ha Mashaiach. That Ha Ab Is glorified in His Ban and at that same time Ha Ban, as Ban Of Alahayam is glorified from His Ab in Him.

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On Christmas day, we had three different “Christmas’s” to attend, which sounds great until you realize that you won’t get a Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt to play with any of the new things you just got, most of the day was spent traveling from place to place, and being forced to eat 3 different Christmas dinners. My dad remarried and suddenly there were 4 dinners, for present sessions and new names were added to the list, but the allowance never increased. Pressure to make handmade gifts began to appear. Some of it was actually accomplished, but the pressure to start crafting them began in August. Fast forward, married, and then divorced with a child, I saw the cycle begin again with my child, minus the forced savings account and the forced shopping. I wanted my children to want to give gifts, not be required. But there was little to be done about how much he had to travel, while I was doing the same thing.

Best Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt

The older celebration elements are: evergreen trees, candles, lights and fires, mistletoe, holly, yule log, wreaths, drinking, singing carols door to door and demanding gifts, presents, feasting, the night ride of a character on animals who brings gifts, in some places a battle between a bad animal person (or horned person) and a good character. There is a great deal left from the Julblotet, which was a Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt and sacrifice to Odin. Yule is a name of Odin. Odin rides through the air on a eight-legged horse and brings gifts. People light fires and drink and eat feast in his honor. It also has aspects of the Roman celebration of the Unconquered Son, Sol Invictus. His day was the 25th. There are also Saturnalia aspects in places. It had gambling, gift giving, parties, overturn of social norms, feasts for the servants put on by masters, and sacrifices at the temple. Over eating and drinking was encouraged. Catullus called it “the best of days”. Schools and courts were closed and rules relaxed or reversed. No war could be made.

Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt(Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt)

Normally, greeting someone is easy in America: “Hi”, “Hello”, “How are you?”. We are fairly casual, and a Retro Sunset Buck shirt Deer hunting Shirt  greeting is treated as a good thing. Not during the 30 days of Christmas. Wish someone a Merry Christmas? Be prepared for a backlash, as they lash out at you for imposing a holiday they don’t celebrate on them. Wish them a Happy Holidays? Prepare to be boycotted as angry celebrants curse your name for forgetting to say Christmas. I worked for six years in retail during the Christmas season, and towards the end, the only safe things to say were “Hello” and “Have a nice day”. The culture wars, and the mutual hatred over both Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, sucked all the cheer out of the season.

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